Contact Lens Solutions Recommendations By Top Calgary Optometrists During Walk-in Eye Exam Contact Lens Fittings

Contact lens solutions are essential for taking care of your contact lenses. They help keep your lenses clean, reduce the risk of eye infections, and maintain good eye health.

There are many different types of contact lens solutions available in the market, each with its own purpose. However, having too many options can make it difficult to choose the right one for you.

In this article, we will cover:

  1. An overview of different types of contact lens solutions

  2. The advantages and disadvantages of each type

  3. How to properly use contact lens solutions

  4. Signs that indicate you're not using the solution correctly

It's important to note that the information in this article comes from experienced Optometrists in Calgary who have helped many people find the right contact lens solutions during their eye exams.

By following these guidelines, you can keep your contact lenses clean and enjoy comfortable and safe wear. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall if you need advice regarding contact lens solution from one of our qualified Calgary Optometrists.

Types of Contact Lens Solutions

In the world of eye care, there are various contact lens solutions available to meet different needs and preferences. Among them, we can identify four main types: multipurpose solutions, hydrogen peroxide-based systems, saline solutions, and daily cleaners. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

1. Multipurpose Solutions

Multipurpose solutions are called so because they can perform multiple tasks: cleaning, disinfecting, and storing contact lenses. They are a popular choice among lens wearers due to their versatility.

How to use multipurpose solutions effectively:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your lenses to prevent dirt or bacteria from getting on them.

  2. Take out one lens and put it in the palm of your hand.

  3. Apply a few drops of the solution onto the lens.

  4. Gently rub the lens with your fingertips to clean it, then rinse it with the solution to remove any debris.

  5. Place the clean lens into a lens case filled with fresh solution for storage.


  • Convenience: Multipurpose solutions simplify the lens care routine by combining multiple functions into one product.

  • Easy to Use: Even beginners can easily understand and apply these solutions.


  • Possible Irritation: Some people may be sensitive or experience irritation from certain ingredients in multipurpose solutions.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Systems

Hydrogen peroxide-based systems provide thorough disinfection with strong antimicrobial properties, setting them apart from multipurpose solutions.

Here's how you can safely use these systems:

  1. Just like with multipurpose solutions, begin by washing your hands.

  2. Place your lenses in a special case that comes with these systems.

  3. Fill the case up to the indicated line with the hydrogen peroxide solution.

  4. Put in a tablet or disc that neutralizes the peroxide into a harmless saline solution over time.

  5. Allow the lenses to soak for at least six hours or overnight to ensure complete neutralization of the peroxide.


  • Effective Disinfection: Hydrogen peroxide is known for its powerful antimicrobial properties, making these systems highly effective against bacteria and fungi on lens surfaces.


  • Longer Wait Time: Unlike multipurpose solutions that allow immediate use after cleaning, these systems require more time for the peroxide to be fully neutralized and safe for your eyes.

3. Saline Solutions

Saline solutions are mainly used as rinsing agents during lens insertion or removal and are often used together with other cleaning and disinfecting solutions.

Here's how to use saline solutions:

  1. After cleaning and disinfecting your lenses with another solution, rinse them thoroughly with saline solution before putting them in your eyes.


  • Gentle Formula: Saline solutions are usually preservative-free, reducing the risk of eye irritation and making them suitable for those with sensitive eyes.


  • Limited Cleaning Power: Saline solutions alone do not have disinfecting properties, so they cannot be relied upon as the sole method of cleaning or disinfecting your lenses.

4. Daily Cleaners

Daily cleaners are specifically made for certain types of lenses, such as rigid gas permeable lenses. Their main purpose is to remove protein deposits or debris from the surface of the lens.

How to apply daily cleaners:

  1. Put a few drops of the cleaner onto your lens.

  2. Gently rub the lens to get rid of any protein deposits or debris.

  3. Rinse the lens thoroughly with a rinsing solution before inserting it into your eye.


  • Clearer Vision: By using daily cleaners to remove deposits, contact lens wearers can enjoy clearer vision and greater comfort.


  • Extra Time and Money: Using daily cleaners means adding another step to your lens care routine and potentially increasing the overall cost of maintaining your lenses.

Understanding the differences between these solutions and how to use them correctly can greatly enhance your experience of wearing contact lenses. Some solutions prioritize convenience, while others excel in disinfection or gentleness for sensitive eyes. It's all about finding the right balance that suits your specific needs. Chat with your Calgary Eye Doctor near you at your next eye exam in Calgary to find out which solution is best for you.

Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Systems

Contact lens solutions are categorized based on their primary functions, which include cleaning and disinfecting lenses to ensure the health and comfort of contact lens wearers. Among these solutions, hydrogen peroxide-based systems occupy a unique place and present an alternative to multipurpose solutions for reusable lenses like monthly contact lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses. While daily disposable lenses circumvent the need for these solutions entirely, it's essential to consult an eye care provider for specific instructions on solution use, as recommendations may vary depending on the brand and type of lens.

Functions of Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Systems

Hydrogen peroxide-based systems offer a distinct approach to lens care:

  • Cleanse: They penetrate lens build-up more deeply than multipurpose solutions.

  • Disinfect: Utilizing the natural oxidative power of hydrogen peroxide, these systems destroy microorganisms that can cause eye infections.

  • Neutralize: After disinfection, the solution must be neutralized to avoid eye irritation or damage.

These systems differ from multipurpose solutions in that they require a two-step process where neutralization is crucial to transform hydrogen peroxide into harmless water and oxygen.

Step-by-Step Guide on Using Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Systems

  1. Cleanse: Begin by placing your contact lenses in the special lens case provided with the system.

  2. Fill: Add hydrogen peroxide solution to the fill line of the case.

  3. Disinfect: Secure the lid and allow your lenses to soak. The required time typically ranges from 6 to 8 hours.

  4. Neutralize: Most cases have a built-in neutralizer that automatically converts the hydrogen peroxide into water. If not, you'll need to add a neutralizing tablet as directed.

  5. Confirm: Check that no bubbles are present before applying your lenses, indicating that neutralization is complete.

Pros and Cons of Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Systems


  • Thorough Disinfection: Known for their exceptional antimicrobial properties ensuring deep cleansing beyond what multipurpose solutions can offer.

  • Preservative-Free: Ideal for individuals with sensitivities or allergies to preservatives found in other types of solutions.


  • Longer Soaking Time: Unlike multipurpose solutions, these systems require several hours for proper disinfection and neutralization.

  • Special Handling Required: Incorrect use without complete neutralization can lead to severe eye irritation or corneal burns. Improper handling can cause symptoms like red eye, eye pain, and blurry vision. If you had an accident with one of these solutions book a walk-in eye exam emergency with an experienced Calgary Optometrist near you.

Hydrogen peroxide-based systems provide an effective regimen for cleaning and disinfecting lenses but come with considerations that should be discussed with a Calgary Optometrist during walk-in eye exam contact lens fittings. Proper adherence to instructions ensures safe and comfortable lens wear while safeguarding ocular health.

Saline Solutions

Saline solutions have a specific role in contact lens care, different from multipurpose or hydrogen peroxide-based systems. They are designed for rinsing contact lenses and are important during the lens-wearing process.

Functions and Usage

The main purpose of saline solution is to rinse off any leftover cleaner or disinfectant from the contact lenses before putting them in your eyes. You can also use it as a temporary storage solution when you're not wearing your lenses. However, remember that saline solutions don't have any disinfecting properties and should not be used as the only way to clean or disinfect your lenses.

Choosing a Saline Solution

When choosing a saline solution, it's important to pick one that doesn't have preservatives. This helps prevent possible allergic reactions that can happen because of preservatives commonly found in other types of lens care products.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The primary advantage of saline solutions is that they are gentle. Since they don't have preservatives or strong chemicals, they greatly reduce the chance of eye irritation. They act as a neutral rinsing agent that gets your lenses ready for safe and comfortable wearing.

However, this gentleness also means that saline solutions aren't very effective at cleaning compared to multipurpose solutions or hydrogen peroxide-based systems. They can't remove protein deposits or tiny organisms from the surface of the lenses.

In Summary:

  • Saline Solutions are used mainly for rinsing lenses.

  • They should be preservative-free to avoid possible allergic reactions.

  • They have a gentle formula that reduces eye irritation.

  • Their cleaning ability is limited; they are not made to disinfect lenses.

It's important to follow the instructions from your eye care provider when using saline solutions or any other type of contact lens solution. These instructions might be different depending on the brand and type of lens you use.

While reusable lenses like monthly contact lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses require the use of these solutions, daily disposable lenses generally do not. Do a quick search for the best Optometrist in Calgary and give their eye clinic a call to see if saline solutions are proper for your regimen.

Daily Cleaners

Daily cleaners are specifically designed to provide a thorough cleanse for certain types of contact lenses, particularly rigid gas permeable lenses. These solutions play a crucial role in maintaining the comfort and clarity of reusable lenses.

Understanding Daily Cleaners

With daily cleaners, the primary function is not just to disinfect but also to remove protein deposits and debris from the lens surface. This meticulous cleansing process helps preserve the lens lifespan while ensuring optimal vision quality and user comfort.

It's important to remember that these solutions are not typically required for daily disposable lenses. Most daily disposable lenses are designed to be used once and then discarded, eliminating the need for cleaning and disinfecting processes.

How to Use Daily Cleaners

Proper application of daily cleaners is key in achieving their maximum benefit. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses.

  2. Apply a few drops of the solution onto each side of the lens.

  3. Gently rub the lens with your clean fingers for the recommended amount of time.

  4. Rinse off the cleaner using an appropriate rinsing solution – usually saline or multipurpose solution.

Remember, these steps may vary based on specific brands or types of lenses. Always consult an eye care provider for personalized instructions.

Pros and Cons of Daily Cleaners


  • Enhanced Clarity: Regular use of daily cleaners can help remove buildups that may compromise vision clarity.

  • Increased Comfort: By eliminating protein deposits and debris, these solutions can enhance the comfort level during lens use.


  • Time Consuming: The process requires additional time compared to simply soaking in multipurpose solutions or hydrogen peroxide-based systems.

  • Additional Cost: Regular purchase of daily cleaners adds an extra cost to your eye care routine.

As with any eye care product, it's essential to weigh these pros and cons against individual needs and consult an eye care professional. Our Calgary-based Optometrists can guide you on choosing the best contact lens solutions tailored to your lifestyle and lens type during walk-in eye exam contact lens fittings. Visit our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic if you have further questions.

Recognizing Symptoms of Improper Use

Contact lens solutions are designed to maintain cleanliness and prolong the life of contact lenses. However, improper use can lead to a variety of symptoms causing discomfort and potentially jeopardizing eye health. Some common signs indicating incorrect application or misuse of these solutions include:

  • Red Eye: This symptom often signifies inflammation or infection, which could stem from contaminants in the solution or lens case.

  • Itchy Eye: This is commonly associated with an allergic reaction, possibly to an ingredient in the solution.

  • Blurry Vision: If contact lenses are not adequately cleaned or disinfected, built-up deposits can blur vision.

  • Eye Pain: This can be indicative of a more serious issue like corneal abrasion or ulcer, often linked with improper lens care.

These symptoms of improper contact lens solution use should not be dismissed as they might signal underlying problems. If you experience any of these signs, it's advisable to remove your contact lenses immediately and seek professional help. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall offers walk-in eye exam emergency appointments with our experienced Calgary Optometrists. The eye exam cost in Calgary for these is covered under Alberta Health Care, thus deeming is a free eye exam with the coverage.

Remember, maintaining your eye health is paramount and using your contact lens solutions correctly plays a crucial role in this endeavor.

Keep in mind that every individual is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it's essential to consult with your optometrist for personalized advice on proper contact lens care.

Seeking Proper Treatment: Emergency Eye Care at Our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic

Contact lens solutions play a vital role in ensuring the health and comfort of your eyes. However, missteps in their use can sometimes lead to discomfort or even severe symptoms. When such situations arise, seeking immediate professional help becomes crucial.

Located conveniently in Southcentre Mall, Calgary, our eye clinic is well-equipped and prepared to provide emergency eye care services. With a team of experienced eye care professionals, we are committed to addressing your urgent ocular needs.

For issues related to contact lens use, whether it's severe discomfort persisting despite discontinuing the solution or sudden vision changes, do not hesitate to visit our Calgary Eye Clinic. Our experienced Calgary Optometrists are adept at diagnosing and treating a wide array of eye conditions arising from improper contact lens usage.

Here's what you can expect during your visit:

  • A comprehensive evaluation of your eyes

  • Determining the root cause of your discomfort

  • Providing immediate relief measures

  • Long-term treatment plans if necessary

With our eye clinic's emphasis on patient-centric care, you will receive individualized attention and treatment recommendations tailored specifically for your needs. Keep in mind that the eye exam cost in Alberta is covered for emergency eye exams.

Remember, taking prompt action at the onset of any discomfort associated with contact lens use can prevent potential complications. So, we urge all contact lens users experiencing any distress or anomalies with their vision to take advantage of our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary. We're here for you when you need us most.


Eyes are precious, their care paramount. Apt use of contact lens solutions plays a pivotal role in maintaining long-term vision quality and ocular health.

Each solution type—multipurpose, hydrogen peroxide-based systems, saline, and daily cleaners—has its unique function, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Making an informed choice can ensure that lens wearers experience optimal comfort and clarity.

Being aware of the right technique for using these solutions is equally important. Misuse can cause discomfort, irritation or even severe symptoms that require urgent medical attention. Understanding how to recognize these signs can help prevent further complications.

Regular eye exams complement the effort put into maintaining hygiene with contact lens solutions. They provide an opportunity for optometrists to assess the health of your eyes and advise on any necessary changes to your lens care routine.

At our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, Calgary, top Optometrists are ready to guide you through your journey with contact lenses, starting from walk-in eye exam contact lens fittings to providing expert recommendations on contact lens solutions.

Book your comprehensive eye exam today! Let us partner with you in taking care of your vision while ensuring a positive contact lens wearing experience. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to book a walk-in eye exam for a contact lens assessment or emergency eye exam today. Our qualified Calgary Eye Doctors are here to help you out!


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