child vision

Save your child’s vision

Greetings to all diligent parents! If you're here, chances are you're concerned about myopia - that increasing issue of nearsightedness impacting many young ones. Rest assured, we're here to enlighten you on the crucial role of myopia control and proactive measures to protect your child's vision.

pouting albertan child wearing glasses

The Significance of Myopia Control

Envision a scenario where your child's vision becomes progressively blurred, making everyday activities like reading or sports challenging. This is what unchecked myopia can lead to. However, the good news is that myopia control can significantly alter this path. Early intervention is key in building a defense against the progression of myopia, which, in its severe form, can heighten the risk of other eye diseases like glaucoma and retinal detachment in the future.

canadian child wearing glasses and holding comfort dog

Champions of Myopia Control

  • Hoya MiyoSmart Glasses: These innovative glasses use D.I.M.S technology to slow myopia progression. They cleverly manipulate light to prevent the eyeball from elongating, which is a common cause of myopia. Studies indicate they can curb myopia progression by about 60%.

  • MiSight Contact Lenses: These are daily wear, myopia-control contact lenses offering the freedom of life without glasses. Particularly effective for active children, they've been shown to reduce myopia progression by approximately 50%.

  • Low-Dose Atropine Eye Drops: Atropine drops, in low doses, have been effective in slowing myopia progression with minimal side effects. They relax the eye's focusing muscles, adding an extra layer of myopia control and reporting up to a 50% reduction in progression.

smiling optometrist holding eye test kit to child

Understanding Risk Factors and Making Lifestyle Adjustments

Genetics can predispose your child to myopia, but environmental factors, like excessive screen time and limited outdoor activities, also play a significant role. Encouraging outdoor play, reducing screen time, and ensuring proper eye care habits are beneficial. Here are some guidelines:

outdoor at noon

Aim for at least 90 minutes of outdoor time daily.

dark screen of switched off phone

Limit recreational screen time to under 2 hours per day.

opened book kept on stand

Keep reading materials at least 20cm from the eyes.

cup of hot tea for tea break

Take regular breaks every 30 minutes during close work.

Your Role as a Parent

Your involvement is crucial in guiding your child towards a future with better vision. While lifestyle adjustments contribute, utilizing tools like MiyoSmart glasses, MiSight contact lenses, and atropine eye drops offers a more effective shield against severe myopia. Consider myopia control as an invaluable gift to your child's future vision.

Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our eye care professionals to explore the most suitable myopia control strategy for your child. Your proactive steps today are vital for their visual health and happiness tomorrow. Myopia control consultations are only $99.

smiling parent carrying smiling child wearing glasses in alberta