contact lens

Discover the freedom of contact lenses

As an Optometrist, I'd like to share some essential insights about contact lenses and the importance of a professional contact lens fitting. A contact lens fitting is a detailed process where we not only determine your prescription but also evaluate the size and shape of your eyes to find the most comfortable and effective lens for you. It's crucial for both vision quality and eye health.

person wearing contact lenses

Maintaining good hygiene practices is vital to prevent eye infections. Always wash your hands before handling lenses, and follow the recommended cleaning and storage procedures. Using fresh solution for storing and cleaning your lenses, and adhering to their replacement schedule, whether they're dailies or monthlies, is essential. Daily disposable lenses offer the convenience of a fresh pair each day, minimizing maintenance, while monthly lenses require regular cleaning but are cost-effective for regular wear.

contact lenses being picked from clean finger with tweezers

For those with astigmatism, specialized toric lenses are designed to provide clear vision by compensating for the irregular curvature of the eye. Multifocal lenses, on the other hand, cater to those needing vision correction at multiple distances, often an ideal solution for presbyopia.

Scleral lenses are customized lenses that present a unique option for individuals with corneal irregularities or significant astigmatism.

These larger lenses vault over the entire corneal surface, offering exceptional comfort and vision correction. Ask your Optometrist if these are a good option for you.

Our clinic is dedicated to finding the perfect fit for your eyes. We utilize the latest technology and personalized care to ensure your contact lenses provide optimal vision and comfort. I invite you to schedule a fitting with us to explore the best contact lens options tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle. Let us help you experience the clarity and convenience that the right contact lenses can bring to your life.

calgarian person on scleral contact lenses looking at mirror