Revitalize Your Eyes: The Power of Lubrication Drops in Managing Dry Eye Disease with A Calgary Eye Clinic

Good eye health is essential for overall well-being, but it's often ignored until problems occur. One such issue that can greatly affect daily life is dry eye disease, a condition characterized by ongoing discomfort and vision problems.

Imagine struggling to read your favourite book, feeling uncomfortable while using your computer, or having trouble driving because your eyes are constantly irritated. This is the reality for people with dry eye disease. Effective treatments are needed to reduce these symptoms and get back to normal.

Enter lubrication drops, a key tool in the fight against dry eye disease. They play an important role in managing this condition by improving the quality of the tears and relieving dryness. Many Calgary Eye Clinics specialize in providing these treatments, giving personalized care based on each patient's needs. Let's take a closer look at dry eye disease and how lubrication drops can help improve symptoms and quality of life. If you have more questions at the end, please call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to chat with one of our expert Calgary Optometrists near you.

Understanding Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a common condition that occurs when the tear glands produce insufficient tears or the tears evaporate too rapidly. This results in a lack of effective tear film, leading to dry and irritated eyes.

Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease

Common symptoms of this condition include:

  1. A persistent feeling of dryness or grittiness in the eyes

  2. Redness

  3. Burning or stinging sensations

  4. Blurred vision

  5. In some cases, sensitivity to light

If you have any of the above dry eye symptoms, do a quick search for the best Calgary Optometrist and head over to a Calgary Eye Clinic near you.

Causes of Dry Eye Disease

The underlying causes of dry eyes can be categorized into three main factors:

  1. Reduced tear production: This can occur due to aging or certain medical conditions such as diabetes or thyroid problems.

  2. Increased tear evaporation: This is often caused by exposure to wind, smoke or dry climates, as well as excessive screen time.

  3. Imbalance in the composition of tears: This could result from autoimmune disorders or hormonal changes especially after menopause.

All the top Calgary Optometrists have agreed that the climate in Calgary, Alberta is hard on the eyes and often times causes eye issues like dry eye disease.

Impact on Daily Life

Dry eye disease has a significant impact on daily life. The discomfort it causes can disrupt routine activities like reading, using a computer or even driving. Dry eye disease is more than just an annoyance; it can interfere with vision and considerably lower one's quality of life. Hence, understanding this condition is crucial for effectively managing its symptoms and mitigating its effects on everyday life.

Available Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eye disease can be a persistent source of discomfort, making everyday activities like reading, computer use, and driving challenging. However, various treatment options are available to help manage this condition effectively. These treatments range from artificial tear drops and medicated eye drops to lifestyle changes and home remedies. Advanced treatment measures such as the use of punctal plugs and prescription medications, as well as alternative medicine options, are also available. Visit our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic to find out more details from an experienced Calgary Optometrist about the best dry eye treatments available.

1. Artificial Tear Drops and Medicated Eye Drops

Artificial tear drops serve as the first line of defence against dry eyes. They replenish the water component of tears, providing instant relief from dryness and irritation. These over-the-counter (OTC) lubricating eye drops can be used according to need or as directed by an eye care professional.

In contrast, medicated eye drops are prescription medications used to address the underlying inflammation frequently associated with dry eye disease. They often contain substances that mimic natural tears' composition, helping restore tear film integrity and reduce symptoms. Our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic has many lubrication drop options in stock. If you are picking some up, you may want to consider seeing one of our top Optometrists for a dry eye exam assessment. Alberta Health Care covers these visits, thus making it a free eye exam and the quickest path to ensure you are on the best dry eye treatment for you.

Note: While OTC artificial tear drops offer temporary symptomatic relief, medicated eye drops work on the root cause of the problem and may require regular use for optimal results.

2. Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

Lifestyle changes and home remedies play a significant role in managing dry eyes. Simple modifications such as taking frequent breaks during screen time - a practice known as the "20-20-20 rule" (every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds) - can reduce eye strain and dryness.

Using a humidifier in indoor environments can help maintain sufficient moisture levels in the air, thereby preventing excessive tear evaporation. Additionally, warm compresses applied to closed eyelids can stimulate glands to produce more oil for your tear film.

Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids also contributes positively to managing dry eyes. These essential fatty acids, found in foods like fish and flaxseeds or as supplements, support healthy tear production and reduce dry eye symptoms.

3. Punctal Plugs and Prescription Medications

In severe cases of dry eyes, more advanced treatments may be necessary. Punctal plugs are tiny devices inserted into tear ducts to prevent tears from draining away too quickly. This treatment helps maintain a healthier tear film on the surface of your eyes.

Prescription medications such as cyclosporine and corticosteroids are often used to manage inflammation in dry eye disease. These medications help increase tear production and improve the quality of your tears. We recommend you consult with a Calgary Optometrist near you about these options to ensure it will be safe and effective in your case.

4. Alternative Medicine Options

Alternative medicine options for managing dry eyes include additional sources of omega-3 fatty acids, castor oil eye drops, and even acupuncture. However, it's important to note that while these methods may offer relief for some individuals, they are not universally effective.

  • Additional sources of omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 supplements may offer an additional boost to your diet's natural sources of these beneficial fatty acids but should not replace conventional treatments unless advised by a healthcare professional.

  • Castor oil eye drops: Thought to reduce tear evaporation but lack sufficient scientific evidence to confirm their efficacy.

  • Acupuncture: Some studies suggest it might improve symptoms by stimulating tear production; however, further research is necessary to establish its effectiveness fully.

Each person's experience with dry eye disease is unique; hence individual responses to treatments can vary greatly. Therefore it is vital to consult an eye care specialist who can recommend suitable treatment options based on your specific needs and preferences. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall stocks high potency Omega 3 for dry eye treatment, in case you are looking to restock or add it to your arsenal.

The Power of Lubrication Drops in Dry Eye Management

Dry eye management is a complex process that requires a multifaceted approach. While lifestyle modifications and other treatments play crucial roles, lubrication drops remain a cornerstone solution. They offer immediate relief from symptoms and work towards improving the eye's ability to retain moisture, making them an indispensable tool in managing dry eye disease effectively.

Highlighting Key Brands: Unique Features and Benefits

Different brands of lubrication drops are available on the market, each with distinct attributes designed to cater to varying degrees of dry eye severity. Three popular brands stand out due to their unique formulations and benefits:

1. Systane Complete

Systane Complete addresses the problem at its root by targeting all layers of the tear film, which is integral to maintaining ocular surface health. Its lipid-based formulation works by enhancing tear film stability, thereby reducing tear evaporation—a common cause of dry eyes.

Clinical studies have validated the effectiveness of Systane Complete. A 2018 study published in Clinical Ophthalmology found that patients using this brand experienced significant improvements in dry eye symptoms compared to those using a different artificial tear product[^1^].

2. Hylo Lubrication Drops

Hylo Lubrication Drops differentiate themselves with their unique delivery system designed for optimal hydration. Each drop coats the ocular surface evenly, providing long-lasting hydration. This brand is also preservative-free, making it an excellent option for those with sensitivities or allergies.

What sets Hylo apart even further is its high viscosity. This characteristic allows the drops to stay on the ocular surface longer, providing extended relief from dryness and discomfort.

3. Imed Pharma Lubrication Drops

Imed Pharma takes a tailored approach to dry eye relief with its diverse range of lubrication drops. Among its standout features are the inclusion of lipid factor and hyaluronan-based properties.

The lipid factor is essential for maintaining the outermost layer of the tear film, which prevents evaporation. Meanwhile, hyaluronan, a natural substance found in the eyes, promotes healing and hydration of the ocular surface.

Imed Pharma offers a wide range of products, enabling individuals to choose a solution that best fits their specific dry eye needs.

The Value of Choice in Dry Eye Management

Having multiple options at one's disposal is beneficial in managing dry eye disease effectively. Each individual experiences dry eyes differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. By offering different brands with unique features, eye care professionals can provide personalized treatment plans that address specific symptoms and causes.

In the journey towards revitalizing your eyes, lubrication drops serve as an essential ally. They do not only relieve discomfort but also promote long-term ocular health by improving tear film effectiveness and ocular surface health.

While lubrication drops are available over-the-counter, it's crucial to consult with an optometrist before starting any new treatment regimen. A professional can help determine which type of lubrication drop is most suitable for your specific needs and ensure you're using it correctly.

Seeking Professional Care from an Eye Clinic in Calgary

When dealing with dry eye disease, the expertise of a specialized calgary eye clinic is indispensable. These clinics offer much more than basic care; they provide a comprehensive evaluation that assesses not only the symptoms but also the root causes of dry eyes. This is critical because effective management often requires a nuanced understanding of each patient's unique condition. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary to learn more.

Services Offered by our Calgary Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall

Our Calgary Eye Clinic has a focus on dry eye management and provides the following services:

1. Personalized Treatment Plans

Tailored to address individual symptoms and causes, these plans may include a combination of:

  • Lubrication drops

  • Lifestyle recommendations

  • Possible medical interventions

2. Advanced Diagnostic Techniques

Specialized equipment and tests to provide insight into the complex dynamics of tear production and loss.

3. Dry Eye Exam Assessments

Beyond standard vision tests, these exams evaluate:

  • The health of the ocular surface

  • The stability of the tear film

Why Choose an Established Calgary Eye Clinic?

Patients benefit from consulting with eye clinics that have established a reputation for excellence in this field. Such eye clinics often employ specialists who stay abreast with the latest research and treatments in dry eye management.

For those residing in or near Calgary, options for expert care include facilities like our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall. Known for our comprehensive approach to eye health, patients can trust in their capability to diagnose and manage dry eye conditions effectively.

With professional guidance, individuals suffering from dry eyes can achieve significant relief and enjoy an enhanced quality of life. Call our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic today to book a dry eye exam assessment with a qualified Calgary Optometrist near you.

Long-Term Strategies for Managing Dry Eyes

Dry eye disease, often a chronic condition, requires strategies beyond immediate relief. Long-term management and proactive care are essential for eye health and daily life.

Importance of Treatment Adherence

Following prescribed treatments consistently can greatly improve outcomes:

  • Using lubrication drops like Systane Complete, Hylo Lubrication Drops, or Imed Pharma Lubrication Drops

  • Considering advanced options like punctal plugs and prescription medications

Monitoring symptoms regularly and seeking medical help promptly if they persist or worsen can prevent complications.

Practical Steps for Proactive Care

Apart from prescribed treatments, proactive measures are crucial:

1. Nutrition

Including foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can promote eye health. Some examples are fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

2. Environmental Factors

Avoiding dry environments and smoke can decrease tear evaporation. Using a humidifier, especially during dry winter months, may be beneficial.

3. Digital Screen Use

Practicing the 20-20-20 rule - taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away - can reduce eye strain caused by screens.

By making these strategies part of your daily routine, you can actively manage dry eye disease in the long run.


As we have explored in this extensive guide, dry eye disease is not a mere inconvenience. It's a condition that can disrupt daily activities and significantly diminish quality of life. Lubrication drops play a pivotal role in managing this condition. They revitalize dry, irritated eyes by improving tear film effectiveness and providing temporary relief from discomfort.

Taking action towards better eye health is easier than ever before. Our reputable Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary offers comprehensive services for diagnosing and managing dry eye conditions. Our offerings are designed with your convenience in mind:


With online booking options, scheduling an eye exam has never been easier.


Calgary Southcentre Mall Eye Doctors at our eye clinic provide personalized dry eye treatments tailored to individual needs.

Advanced Diagnostic Techniques

Our Calgary Eye Clinic utilizes specialized eye exams to assess and monitor your condition accurately.

Your visual health matters. Don't let chronic dry eyes compromise it. An experienced Eye Doctor at Southcentre Mall Calgary can offer long-term relief and management strategies for dry eyes. Remember, the right treatment plan and consistent care can minimize the impact on your visual health and overall quality of life. Make the call today, experience the difference that personalized care can make, and step into a future of clearer, healthier vision.


From Irritation to Comfort: Calgary Optometrists Exploring the Benefits of Medication Drops for Dry Eye Treatment With A Calgary Eye Clinic


Beyond Dry Eyes: Exploring High Potency Omega 3 and Optometry Care in Calgary