Why Your Walk-In Eye Exam For Dry Eyes With A Qualified Calgary Optometrist May Lead To TrueTear Dry Eye Treatment Recommendation

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition where the eyes don't have enough lubrication, causing discomfort and potentially affecting vision. It's important to pay attention to dry eye symptoms right away, not only for immediate relief but also to prevent long-term eye problems.

At our Calgary Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall, we offer options for advanced solution for treating dry eyes. TrueTear is an example of an option often discussed with our experienced Calgary Optometrists. This treatment uses innovative neurostimulation therapy to provide relief for people with persistent dry eye symptoms. Before recommending this therapy, our expert Optometrists will conduct a thorough eye exam to understand your needs better.

In this discussion, we'll cover the following topics:

  1. An overview of TrueTear technology and how it works as a dry eye treatment.

  2. The benefits of TrueTear and how it differs from other treatments like manual gland expressions and LipiFlow.

  3. Evidence from clinical studies that support the effectiveness of TrueTear.

  4. The challenges faced by individuals in Calgary due to a higher number of people with dry eye syndrome and how Calgary Eye Clinics provide specialized care to address these needs.

By exploring these areas, you'll get a better understanding of modern approaches to managing dry eyes and why personalized treatment plans that include advanced options like TrueTear are essential. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to discuss dry eye problems with a qualified Calgary Eye Doctor near you. Eye exam costs in Calgary for dry eye exam assessments are covered under Alberta Health Care, thus removing another obstacle for patients.

Understanding Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease is a common condition that disrupts the balance of the tear film, causing insufficient moisture and lubrication on the eye's surface. This can happen when tears are produced in low amounts or evaporate too quickly.

Causes of Dry Eye Disease

Several factors can contribute to the development of dry eye disease, including:

  • Aging: Tear production naturally decreases as we get older.

  • Medical conditions: Disorders like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid issues can increase the risk.

  • Medications: Certain drugs such as antihistamines and blood pressure medications may reduce tear production.

  • Environmental factors: Exposure to smoke, wind, and dry climates can make dry eye symptoms worse.

  • Screen use: Spending long hours staring at screens can reduce blinking and lead to increased tear evaporation.

All the best Calgary Optometrists will do a thorough evaluation of patient history to identify any of these factors above. Make sure you are comfortable with the Calgary eye clinic you have chosen for your eye care.

Dry Eye Disease in Calgary

In Calgary, the prevalence of dry eye disease is higher compared to other areas. This could be attributed to the unique environmental conditions in the region:

  1. Dry climate: Calgary has low humidity levels, causing tears to evaporate more rapidly.

  2. Extreme temperatures: Both cold winter winds and hot summer air can affect tear stability.

  3. Altitude: The higher altitude in Calgary may result in a thinner atmosphere and increased exposure to UV rays, which can impact the eyes.

As a result, individuals living in Calgary may experience more severe dry eye symptoms and require specialized care and advanced treatment options. Due to this, some of the top Calgary Optometrists have decided to focus their training on dry eyes, thus providing you solutions to dry eye problems you may be having.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease can cause various symptoms that greatly affect a person's daily life. Some common signs of dry eye disease include:

  • Continuous discomfort, such as a burning or stinging feeling in the eyes

  • Excessive tearing followed by dryness

  • Red eyes and occasional blurry vision

  • Increased eye fatigue, especially after using screens or reading for long periods

While it's important to recognize these symptoms, diagnosing dry eye disease requires professional help from a Calgary Optometrist. They play a crucial role in identifying and treating this condition. If you are experiencing any of the above, make sure to do a search for the best Optometrist in Calgary and head over to their eye clinic for a walk-in eye exam for dry eyes. Remember the eye exam cost in Alberta is covered through Alberta Health Care for this type of exam, thus essentially deeming it a free eye exam with the coverage.

The Importance of a Comprehensive Eye Exam

To determine if someone has dry eye disease, Optometrists in Calgary conduct thorough walk-in eye exams. These exams involve assessing both the patient's symptoms and the condition of their eyes.

Various diagnostic tests may be performed during an eye exam at most Calgary Eye Clinics, including:

  1. Tear Break-Up Time (TBUT): This test measures how stable a person's tear film is.

  2. Schirmer Test: It helps determine the amount of tears produced by the eyes.

  3. Corneal Staining: This test uses special dyes to identify any damage on the surface of the eyes.

  4. Meibomian Gland Evaluation: It examines the health of glands responsible for producing oils needed for good tear quality.

These tests provide vital information about tear production and the overall health of the eyes. With these details, Optometrists can create personalized treatment plans for their patients. Some of the top Optometrists worked on research to develop the best methods for dry eye assessment.

Traditional Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common yet bothersome condition that can be treated using various traditional methods. These include:

1. Dry Eye Hot Compresses

Dry eye hot compresses involve applying warm pads to the eyelids, which helps improve the flow of oil into the tears. This method can gradually reduce dry eye symptoms and enhance eye comfort with regular use over time.

2. Dry Eye Omega-3 Supplements

Dry eye Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients found in certain foods and supplements. They are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and potential to improve tear production. Taking Omega-3 supplements can be beneficial for individuals with dry eye disease.

3. Lubricating Dry Eye Drops

Lubricating dry eye drops, also known as artificial tears, are designed to mimic natural tears and provide temporary relief from dryness and discomfort. These eye drops can help lubricate the eyes and supplement natural tear production.

While these traditional treatments can effectively manage dry eye symptoms, they do have their limitations:

  • Dry eye hot compresses require consistent application and may not address underlying causes of meibomian gland dysfunction.

  • Dry eye Omega-3 supplements may yield different results depending on individual response and dietary factors.

  • Lubricating dry eye drops offer only temporary relief and need to be used frequently for sustained symptom improvement.

Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary stocks all of the above, so swing by if you are looking for a refill or to add a treatment to your regimen. Feel free to ask for a walk-in eye exam for dry eyes with one of our experienced Calgary Eye Doctors. These visits, through Alberta Health Care have the eye exam cost in Calgary covered.

The key to managing dry eye symptoms is finding a balance between symptom relief and addressing the root cause. As our understanding of dry eye disease continues to progress, innovative treatments like TrueTear are emerging as promising alternatives that will be discussed in the next section.

Introducing TrueTear Dry Eye Treatment

TrueTear, an FDA-approved neurostimulation device, is a groundbreaking solution designed to relieve the discomfort caused by dry eyes. While traditional treatments focus on managing the symptoms, this innovative technology enhances the body's natural tear production to effectively address the root cause of dry eye symptoms.

How TrueTear Works

TrueTear works by stimulating the anterior ethmoidal nerve, which is responsible for tear production. Here's how it works:

  1. The patient inserts the TrueTear device into their nostrils.

  2. The device then delivers tiny electrical pulses to the anterior ethmoidal nerve.

  3. This stimulation triggers the nasolacrimal reflex, leading to increased tear production.

Temporary Relief with Long-Term Benefits

It's important to understand that while TrueTear provides immediate relief from dry eye symptoms by stimulating natural tear production, its effect is temporary with symptom relief lasting for a short duration after each use. Hence, it’s not a one-time solution but rather part of an ongoing treatment plan for managing dry eye disease.

Addressing Dry Eye Symptoms at the Source

In comparison to other treatments, TrueTear offers a unique advantage by addressing dry eye symptoms at their source without relying on medications that may have side effects or potential interactions with other treatments or conditions.

Stay tuned for the next section where we'll delve deeper into the benefits and clinical evidence supporting TrueTear's effectiveness in treating dry eyes.

Advantages of TrueTear over Other Treatments

TrueTear stands out in the landscape of dry eye treatments with its non-invasive nature, distinguishing itself from more invasive methods such as manual gland expressions. Manual gland expressions can be uncomfortable and may require repeated visits to an eye care professional, whereas TrueTear provides a gentle alternative that patients can use within the comfort of their own homes. Call our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic if you are looking to book a meibomian gland expression with our expert Calgary Optometrists.

Customizability is another significant benefit offered by TrueTear. Users have the ability to:

  • Tailor the neurostimulation intensity: This means that individuals can find the optimal setting that provides relief without discomfort, making TrueTear a personalized solution for dry eye symptoms.

  • Adjust treatment frequency: Depending on the severity of their symptoms, users can use TrueTear multiple times a day to maintain comfort and visual clarity.

By enabling users to control their treatment experience, TrueTear empowers those suffering from dry eyes with a sense of autonomy over their condition. This aspect is especially important for patients who are seeking a non-pharmacological option that fits seamlessly into their lifestyle and offers immediate symptom relief without the need for ongoing medical interventions. Many of the best Optometrists in Calgary are considering this option due to it being a great non-pharmaceutical option.

Clinical Evidence Supporting TrueTear's Efficacy

Clinical trials are essential in determining the effectiveness and safety of medical treatments. Several studies have been conducted to assess how well TrueTear works in relieving dry eye symptoms.

Study 1: Improved Tear Production

In a trial with 97 patients lasting 180 days, participants showed promising results. Their Schirmer test scores, which measure tear production, increased after using TrueTear. This indicates an improvement in tear production.

Study 2: Reduced Discomfort and Visual Issues

Another study involving 48 patients for 30 days found that TrueTear was both well-tolerated and effective. Users reported less eye discomfort and fewer vision problems, which are common issues for those with dry eyes.

Meta-Analysis: Consistent Results

A meta-analysis that combined data from multiple studies confirmed the previous findings. It concluded that TrueTear not only increased tear production but also significantly improved symptoms in individuals with dry eyes.

These clinical trials provide strong evidence supporting the use of TrueTear as a treatment for dry eyes. By stimulating the body's natural tear production process, it addresses the underlying cause of the problem and offers immediate relief without the potential side effects or interactions associated with traditional medications. Some of the top Optometrists were involved in these clinical trials to ensure dry eye problems get resolved.

How TrueTear Compares to Manual Gland Expressions and LipiFlow

When it comes to dry eye treatment, different methods cater to various underlying causes. TrueTear and Manual Gland Expressions are two approaches often used to address this condition. However, their mechanisms of action differ significantly.

Understanding TrueTear and Manual Gland Expressions

TrueTear, as previously described, is a neurostimulation device that triggers the anterior ethmoidal nerve, leading to increased tear production. It's a customizable, non-invasive option that effectively alleviates dry eye symptoms.

On the other hand, Manual Gland Expressions, involve the mechanical squeezing of the meibomian glands to improve oil flow onto the ocular surface. This process is typically used when there's an obstruction in the meibomian glands - one of the common causes of dry eye disease. Many Calgary Eye Clinics offer meibomian gland expressions, but for these it is crucial to find an experienced Calgary Eye Doctor that has done multiple, for the best results.

Advantages and Limitations of TrueTear and Manual Gland Expressions

While both treatments have their unique advantages, they also come with certain limitations:


  1. TrueTear: It directly stimulates natural tear production with no need for any invasive procedures.

  2. Manual Gland Expressions: It provides immediate relief by removing obstructions in the meibomian glands.


  1. TrueTear: The effects on tear production are temporary, requiring multiple daily applications for sustained symptom relief.

  2. Manual Gland Expressions: The procedure can be uncomfortable for some patients and may need to be repeated if gland blockages recur.

The choice between TrueTear and manual gland expressions often depends on individual patient factors such as the severity of symptoms, underlying cause of dry eye disease, and personal comfort with each treatment method.

Comparison with LipiFlow

Another treatment option worth considering is LipiFlow, a thermal pulsation system designed specifically for meibomian gland dysfunction.

LipiFlow targets meibomian gland dysfunction by applying controlled heat and pressure to the inner eyelids, unblocking the meibomian glands and improving oil flow onto the ocular surface.

The comparison between TrueTear and LipiFlow reveals some key differences:


  1. TrueTear: Immediate stimulation of tear production without medication's side effects or interactions.

  2. LipiFlow: It directly targets one of the leading causes of dry eye disease – meibomian gland dysfunction – offering potential for long-term relief.


  1. TrueTear: Symptom relief is temporary; thus, it requires regular usage for ongoing benefits.

  2. LipiFlow: As a procedure, LipiFlow may not be suitable for all patients and is typically more expensive than other dry eye treatments.

While both TrueTear and LipiFlow aim to alleviate dry eye symptoms, their methods vary significantly. The most suitable treatment depends on individual patient factors such as severity and underlying cause of dry eyes, lifestyle fit, preference for a device or procedure-based approach, and potential side effects. A detailed discussion with a qualified Optometrist at a Calgary Eye Clinic near you can help determine which option would provide the most effective solution to managing dry eye symptoms. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall can help with these concerns and our Calgary Eye Doctors can answer any questions you may have.

The Role of Calgary Eye Clinic in Providing Comprehensive Dry Eye Care

Nestled within the bustling Southcentre Mall, our Calgary Eye Clinic stands as a beacon for those seeking specialized care for dry eye disease in the Calgary region. With a firm commitment to patient well-being, the eye clinic has carved out a niche for itself as an authority on dry eye diagnosis, treatment, and management.

Technology at the Forefront

Our Eye Clinic's approach to patient care revolves around two key principles: technology and personalization. TrueTear, an innovative neurostimulation device that prompts natural tear production, is one such technological tool used by the eye clinic's experienced Calgary Optometrists.

Tailored Treatment Plans

To ensure effective results, personalized treatment plans are created with individual symptoms, lifestyle considerations, and comfort levels in mind. This customization guarantees that each patient receives the best possible outcome from their treatments.

Comprehensive Care Every Step of the Way

From initial consultations to monitoring treatment progress with regular follow-ups, our Eye Doctors at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of comprehensive dry eye care. The Calgary eye clinic is dedicated to providing exceptional service and education to its patients:

  • Educating patients about home-based symptom management strategies

  • Recommending effective treatments like TrueTear or lubricating eye drops

By combining advanced technology with personalized attention, our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic is redefining how dry eyes are treated - showcasing its unwavering dedication to improving the lives of those affected by this common condition.


TrueTear dry eye treatment emerges as a beacon of innovation for those grappling with the persistent discomfort of dry eyes, especially when traditional therapies have fallen short. Its array of benefits underscores the importance of seeking advanced solutions:

  • Stimulates natural tear production through neurostimulation

  • Customizable settings to match individual needs and symptom severity

  • Non-invasive technology offering an alternative to manual gland expressions and surgical interventions

If you're experiencing dry eye symptoms, considering a consultation at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall is crucial to identify the best solution to your dry eye problems.

As the landscape of dry eye management evolves, technologies like TrueTear are set to revolutionize patient care. These innovations promise not just symptom relief but a tangible enhancement in the quality of life for individuals affected by this chronic condition.

Most Calgary Eye Clinics remain at the forefront due to their Eye Doctors having so much experience, integrating cutting-edge treatments with comprehensive care strategies tailored to patient needs.

Visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to discuss details with one of our expert Calgary Optometrists near you. Or come in for a walk-in eye exam for dry eyes, where the eye exam cost in Calgary is covered under Alberta Health Care.


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