eye of diabetic person

Diabetes can impact your eyes too

As a patient with diabetes, it's important to understand how this condition can affect your eyes. Diabetes can lead to several eye problems, including diabetic retinopathy, where high blood sugar levels cause damage to the blood vessels in the retina, potentially leading to vision loss.

blood sugar level test on finger by diabetic person

Other conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma are also more common in individuals with diabetes. These eye issues may not always show early symptoms but can progressively worsen, leading to significant visual impairment. That's why an annual dilated eye exam is crucial. During this exam, your Optometrist will use drops to widen your pupils, allowing a thorough examination of the retina and other structures inside your eye. This procedure is key in detecting early signs of eye disease related to diabetes, ensuring timely treatment and management to maintain your eye health. Remember, regular eye exams play a vital role in preventing diabetes-related vision problems and are an integral part of your overall diabetes care. We encourage you to schedule your yearly dilated eye exam with us to help safeguard your vision.

hand holding prescription glasses

Best part is that diabetic eye exams are covered by Alberta Health Care, so make sure to take a moment and care for your eyes.