central vision care

Save your central vision with preventative care

Macular Degeneration, a major cause of vision loss, particularly in older adults, affects the macula, the part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision needed for activities like reading and driving. There are two types – dry and wet, with the dry form being the most common.

calgarian senior having eye sight check

This condition leads to a gradual loss of central vision, making detailed tasks increasingly challenging. Regular monitoring through dilated eye exams is vital, especially if you're at risk. Risk factors include age, family history, smoking, and certain genetic factors. Often, individuals aren't aware of their risk, making comprehensive eye exams essential for early detection and intervention.

Our clinic emphasizes the importance of these regular check-ups, as early diagnosis and preventive care can significantly help in preserving vision. During a full eye exam, we can identify early signs of macular degeneration, even before symptoms appear. By catching and managing this condition in its initial stages, we can implement strategies to slow its progression and maintain your quality of life. Our goal is to keep your vision as clear as possible for as long as possible, and regular visits to your Optometrist are a key part of achieving this.

prescription glasses viewing eye chart held by hand

Macular degeneration eye exams are covered under Alberta Health Care.